Information coming soon.
Information coming soon.
T.O.R.C.H. stands for “when you are Transformed and Open, Real Change Happens.” T.O.R.C.H. is the dedicated young adults ministry of ICCLA. Trendy, contemporary worship and praise, relatable life transformation groups, and regular, refreshing events are the staple of the TORCH ministry.
For more information on how to join, please contact:
David Eze: +1 (310) 738-8298
The Music Ministry led by Dr. Kunle Pinmiloye (aka Ksticks), focuses on meeting the musical needs of the Congregation. Key activities include our Congregational Worship sessions, Special Ministrations, Praise & Worship services aka Altar of Praise and Special Musical Concerts such asICCSJ Sound of Christmas.
As the exercise of the body is essential to one’s physical well-being, fellowship with other believers is a required exercise for spiritual well-being. (Heb 10:24-25).
In addition to public worship, each of our Fellowship groups is a cozy haven for Christian rendezvous where we engage in interactive discussions with the brethren, meet new people and celebrate milestones all the time.
The Groups are open to both members and non-members of the church.
Information coming soon.
Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, theICCSJ Church family and your purpose in unexpected, life-changing ways. The Rooted experience redefines how people live
life and view their relationship with God and others, giving context to what it means to be part of something bigger. You will begin to see God in new ways, as He invites you to experience life in Him that is marked by community, authenticity and generosity.
The Teens Church provides an assortment of youth activities for the Teens all year round.
With well-trained, disciplined professional Christian teachers, and exquisite facilities, our Children’s Church is God’s gift to parents. Parents may choose to stay with their child in the sanctuary or release them to the care of the Children’s Church. There is also a nursery for our little ones, providing an opportunity for Parents to worship undistracted.
This is the global Prayer Ministry of ICCLA. The online platform provides the opportunity to pray with the Brethren on a daily basis, and continues to enjoy great outpouring of Grace, evidenced by the endless flow of testimonies received there from. The platform is open to both members and non-members of the church.
*Easy access to Hotline to Heaven*:
Information coming soon.